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Car Lockout Service Tualatin

What to Do When You’re Locked Out of Your Car

We’ve all been there. You reach for your keys to unlock your car, and they’re not where you thought they were. Panic sets in as you realize you’re locked out of your vehicle.

But don’t worry – it’s not the end of the world! In this article, we’ll guide you through practical steps to regain access to your car without causing any damage.

We’ll talk about calling roadside assistance or a locksmith, keeping a spare key handy, contacting a friend or family member for help, and even utilizing technology like phone apps that can lock or unlock your car remotely.

If you’re feeling adventurous, we’ll discuss some do-it-yourself tricks using common items like shoelaces or plastic strips.

And finally, we’ll cover when it’s appropriate to call the police during such emergencies.

Call for Roadside Assistance/Locksmith

Locksmith Near Me Tualatin

There’s nothing quite as reassuring as dialing roadside assistance or a locksmith when you’re stuck out in the cold, realizing you’ve locked yourself out of your car. This is one of the quickest ways to get back into your vehicle and move on with your day.

When you call for help, be sure to provide accurate details about your location and the model of your car. It’ll speed up their arrival time, making the whole process less stressful and to keep peace of mind.

While waiting for them to show up, try to stay safe by remaining in a well-lit area or inside a nearby store.

Remember, it’s important to have these quality services’ contact numbers handy and ensure they are reputable and reliable before you need them. Planning ahead for lockout assistance can save you from additional troubles down the line.

Keep a Spare Key or Key Duplication on Hand

Always keep a spare key handy, tucked away in the depths of your bag or securely stashed in your home, as it could turn a potentially stressful situation into a mere minor inconvenience. Remember, no matter how careful you are, there’s always a chance you might lock yourself out of your car.

A spare key is an easy and cost-effective solution to this problem. The best place for a spare car key is with someone you trust—a family member, friend, or neighbor who can reach you quickly if need be.

Call a Friend or Family Member

Car Lockout Tualatin

When disaster strikes, a quick call to a trusted friend or family member could be all it takes to get you back on the road in no time! They might have an extra set of your car keys, or they could come and give you a lift if you’re stranded. This option is especially handy if you’re stuck in an unfamiliar place or late at night when professional services are unavailable.

Here’s what you can do:

  • If your friend or relative has a spare key, ask them to bring it over. Wait for them at a safe location near your car.
  • If they don’t have an extra key, request a ride home or to the nearest locksmith.

Remember, always keep someone informed about your whereabouts when traveling.

Check to See If Your Car Can Connect to an App on Your Phone for Locking/Unlocking

Consider exploring if your vehicle can sync with a mobile app for locking and unlocking purposes. This feature is typically available in newer car models and can be a lifesaver when you’re locked out.

After purchasing your vehicle, sign up for the app and pair it with your car to avoid future lockouts. The app might even have additional features such as locating your car by turning on the engine or honking the horn.

Remember to ask about this option when buying a new model. It’s especially helpful if you tend to lose keys frequently. You can also install this app on other family members’ smartphones so that they can unlock the car for you, even if you’ve left your phone inside it.

Try DIY Methods: Shoelace, Plastic, Clothes Hanger

Believe it or not, common household items like a shoelace, piece of plastic, or clothes hanger can be heroes in a jam!

For instance, if your car has pull-up locks by the window, you can use a shoelace to open it. Simply make a small loop in the middle of the lace, slip it through the corner of the door and try to hook the lock.

Alternatively, you could use a strip of plastic. Slide it between the door and frame until you reach the lock mechanism; then push or pull.

Lastly, consider using an unwound clothes hanger for older cars as a makeshift slim jim. Be careful, though – these methods may damage your car’s seal or locking system if not done properly. It’s always best to call locksmith professionals for help if unsure!

Call the Police If There Is an Emergency

In a dire situation, don’t hesitate to dial 911 – they’re equipped and prepared to assist in emergencies.

If you or someone else is trapped inside the car, especially in extreme weather conditions or if there’s a child locked in, it’s essential that you get immediate help. The police can arrive quickly and have tools designed for such situations.

However, calling them isn’t always necessary if your circumstances aren’t threatening. Please remember that their resources are best used for emergencies, so consider this option carefully.

If it’s not urgent, try other methods first: use spare auto keys or call roadside assistance.

If none of these options work out for you, hire a professional locksmith who can unlock your car safely without causing any damage.

Speed’s Towing Is Your Local Locksmith in Tualatin

If you’ve ever had the unpleasant experience of being locked out of your car, don’t worry! Speed’s Towing is here to save the day. We offer a 24-hour mobile locksmith service specifically tailored for Tualatin drivers who find themselves in this predicament. Our team of expert have been assisting the people of Tualatin with all their towing needs since 1958, including vehicle lockout services. You can trust our drivers to provide friendly and reliable emergency locksmith services, ensuring your day gets back on track smoothly.

Contact Us today for an auto locksmith who is available for 24-hour service.

We provide excellent customer service for the following other expert services we do:

  • Towing Service
  • Emergency Services
  • Emergency Roadside Assistance
  • Car Carrier Services

Visit our About Us page for more information about our roadside assistance and automotive locksmith company.

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What to Do When You’re Locked Out of Your Car

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